Image de couverture
Azadeh Nilchiani
Journée d'étude

Symposium Care Aesthetics, Democracy and Digital Arts


Organized by Barbara Formis MCF-HDR (ACTE)

At a time of political and ecological crisis, aesthetics can provide a framework for understanding the impact of imagination, cultural difference and artistic practice on the political realm of action. We propose to explore the ways in which artists use the digital and technology to address political issues. Aesthetic naturalism should not be understood as a binary and antagonistic relationship with new technologies. There is in fact a dynamic, two-way relationship between technicity and the natural modality of life: digital technology has become an integral part of our ordinary way of life. 

Our hypothesis is that digital artistic practices could help the process of deliberative democracy tools and provide simulations for developing empathy. Artist-created digital spaces could help citizens and policy makers collaboratively design and refine policies using creative tools; digital art installations or interactive experiences that educate citizens about political processes and issues; virtual reality experiences designed by digital artists to foster understanding of diverse perspectives on political issues.

>> To follow the symposium online :
Morning : 
Afternoon :



9:30–10:00: Opening remarks 

10:00–11:00 Keynote address

Yuriko Saito, (Rhode Island School of Design, USA)

Practicing the Aesthetics of Care in the Age of Digitalization

Moderation : Barbara Formis (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne)


11:00–11:20 Coffee break

11:20–12:45 Panel 1 — Spaces, Maps, and Co-Creation

Moderation : Miguel Almiron (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne)

Elisabetta Di Stefano (Université de Palerme, Italy)

Imagining Cities: Aesthetics of Care and Digital Democracy in Tactical Urbanism


Azadeh Nilchiani (DEM’ARTS, Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne)

Sound maps of the world, listening and co-creation: aesthetic and digital intersection


Xavier Boissarie (artiste)

Rôles de danse : danser sous la conduite d'une IA


12:45–14:15 Lunch break


14:15–15:15 Panel 2— Health, design and co-conception

Moderation : Antonella Tufano, (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne) 


Marie Coirié (designer)

Établir la co-conception en design à l'hôpital psychiatrique comme processus émancipatoire 


Sarah Roshem (artiste)

Helpyourself and Stillight: Two examples of digital care programs created by artist company SR lab


15:15–16:15 Panel 3— Critical contexts and collaborative practices

Moderation : Camille Salinesi (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne)

Tatsiana Zhurauliova (ERC, Demoseries)

Safety in Art: Collaborative Practices and Aesthetics of Care in Eastern European Art in the Face of War


Lisa Giombini (Univ. Roma 3, Italy)

Inanimate Things: Why Should We Care?


16:15–16:30 Break


16:30–17:30 Conference 

Richard Shusterman (University Florida Atlantic, USA)

Somaesthetics and Care

Moderation : Sandra Laugier (Université Paris 1, Panthéon Sorbonne)


17:30–18:00 Final remarks and acknowledgments