Eduardo Medici. Entre lumière et ombre (détail), 1996.

Cross-disciplinary Seminar

Creation, democracy and digital media
Changed on 18 September 2024 à 16:59

Cross-disciplinary seminar of DEM'ARTS

The seminar will examine the place of digital technology in the development of the arts from a pragmatic angle, and will consider digital art within a perspective of shared experience. The idea is to study the evolution and democratization of the arts through the digital environment, as well as its effects and risks in various cultural fields: plastic arts (visual and non-visual), dance, theater, music, architecture, design, cinema, photography, performance... By transcending traditional dichotomies (theory/practice, knowledge/technology, action/idea, fact/value, body/spirit), the aim is to develop a concrete approach to the relationship between the arts, philosophy, and the digital.

Preliminary program

>> Registration required for in-person or online participation: REGISTRATION LINK


October 8, 2024 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Sandra Laugier Professor, Institut des sciences juridiques et philosophique de la Sorbonne

“Culture and democracy, from pragmatism to the digital”

Yann Toma Professor/Artist, Institut ACTE - Arts Créations Théories Esthétique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne.

“Post-Creation, Towards a universalization of creation”


October 15, 2024 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Philippe Codognet Professor Sorbonne University, Director of the Franco-Japanese Computer Laboratory, IRL CNRS Research Center, Japan.

“Experimenting AI through Digital Arts”


November 14, 2024 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Lev Manovich Artist/Presidential Professor, City University of New York (CUNY).

“ ‘Make it New’: AI, Modernism, and Database Art”

November 26, 2024 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Armando Menicacci Artist/Professor, Université du Quebec à Montreal

Cécile Proust choreographer, dancer, and researcher and Jacques Hoepffner photographer, video and digital artist.

“What age brings to dance”


February 4, 2025 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Yuriko Saito Professor Emerita of Philosophy at the Rhode Island School of Design, USA

“The Art of Housework: Promises and Challenges of Digital Technology”

March 11, 2025 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Indiana Collet Barquero Professor, École nationale supérieure d'art de Limoges, France

"Archives of Gesture"


March 25, 2025 (6-8 PM, Paris time)

Francesca Ferrando Philosopher, Professor, New York University (NYU)

“Arts, post-humanism and democracy”.  

Tuesday, October 8, 2024, 6-8pm. Inaugural session.

Sandra Laugier PR (ISJPS)
“Culture and democracy, from pragmatism to the digital”
Yann Toma PR/Artist (ACTE)
“Post-Creation, Towards a universalization of creation”

Tuesday, October 15, 2024, 6-8pm. First session.

Philippe Codognet PR (JFLI - CNRS)
“Experimenting AI through Digital Arts”